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Bill introduced in MN House: HF844 getting more data on broadband deployment from providers

Blandin on Broadband

844, A bill for an act relating to telecommunications; modifying provisions governing broadband workforce plan data; modifying investigative authority; modifying provisions governing underground telecommunications infrastructure; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 116J.395, 395, subdivision 9; 216B.17, 17, subdivision 9; 326B.198,

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Bill introduced in MN House: HF974 related to definition of provider and role of franchise and permitting and more

Blandin on Broadband

974, A bill for an act relating to broadband; establishing the Equal Access to Broadband Act; modifying provisions governing broadband services and broadband infrastructure; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 116J.39, The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture Finance and Policy.

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Bill introduced in MN House: HF1971 relieving telecom carriers of the obligation to serve certain areas; requiring the Office of Broadband Dev to resolve disputes

Blandin on Broadband

1971, A bill for an act relating to commerce; relieving telephone companies or telecommunications carriers of the obligation to serve certain areas; requiring the Office of Broadband Development to resolve disputes; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 237.